18 May 2011

It's a 4th month celebration in TW tradition - Saliva collection. In the old time, they named the baby on the 4th month and the baby would be introduced to the family (to other relatives) due to low surviving rate. Until now, only the saliva collection is still hold on the 4th month. We should put 12 cookies in the red string and go around 99's neck. The elder will meet the baby and break the cookie, take a corner of cookie and touch the baby's lip and say: "This cookie will dry the drooling and then the baby can start to talk soon." or "This cookie will dry the drooling and you can bring a baby boy next year."...etc. Well, however, there is no way we can put 12 cookies on 99 and I can't get 12 elders to come for this celebration. So, here we go, my dear friends give their best wishes to 99...

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