11 March 2011

We came out to celebrate Mia's birthday in Tiffany restaurant where we found the delicious crape. It's cold out there, but we were so happy to share this delicious food with my mom and Duncan. Yes, Duncan is here coz he had been talking about TPE since New Year. Well, we'll see if Duncan can stay with my mom this week, without crying for homesick.
While we were out in downtown, my Dad called us and told us about the biggest earthquake in Japan. OMG, it's so serious and so bad. God bless... We are far away from Japan (3 hours flight at least). We are all on the plates line, so we learn to deal with earthquake since we were little. The biggest one we had ever met was 7.2 in 21st Sep, 1999. I can't image this one. I gonna go back to telly and read more info. Meanwhile, we teach Duncan what to do if it happens, just in case.

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