30 August 2010

It's a girl!!! We are going to have a baby girl! We have been trying to tell baby, open the legs and let us see it. It doesn't work. When we go in for scan, baby girl's head is on my left belly and her legs are on my right belly. It's difficult to get the pic or to find out. Doc tries many times and for a while (maybe 5 mins, cause we ask many questions during scan), baby girl is moving her hands from clapping to put a hand in the back of her head and soaking another thump. The good news is she is fine from head to toes, we can see all the organs, even the two tiny kidney. That's a great news!
In some way, I am relief; in some way, I still hope it'll be a boy. However, as long as this baby is healthy, I can't ask for more. Therefore, I have a small celebration this morning, after the clinic. This is Cantonese beef congee. Yummy!
Another good thing about this hospital is the dinning area is clean and you can see what happen outside. There are restaurants, self-service cafeteria, shops, convenient store and coffee shop. That'll be easy for Dave to stay around while I'm admitted in.

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