25 August 2010

My bump is popping out, I am so happy. Now, I can be proud to sit on the priority seat. I don't think anyone can challenge me on this. Poor Dave, sometimes, he can't get a seat for a while. We are half an hour away from Main train station, it takes him a while to find a seat. The other day, while I was out for grocery shopping, got Dave's lunch box (Cantonese) on the way back, 3 HKG tourists saw me and asked which month I were, they were so sweet. The granny said this baby will be healthy and cute; I think she was happy that I take Cantonese lunch box. But, however, thank to her good word, we are pleased.
I believe this baby is the present from God and God will give this baby whatever it needs. Since we know this baby exists, business picks up and so many problem sort. So many friends donate their baby staff and save us a lot of time and energy to forecast on something matter. We are so lucky to have so many friends and families to give us blessing on this baby. Thank you so much.

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